Kabbalah > Tree of Life
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Letter Attribution:  *

Letter: ש, pathNo: 31, tarotId: 20Letter: ק, pathNo: 29, tarotId: 18Letter: ת, pathNo: 32, tarotId: 21Letter: ר, pathNo: 30, tarotId: 19Letter: צ, pathNo: 28, tarotId: 17Letter: ס, pathNo: 25, tarotId: 14Letter: ע, pathNo: 26, tarotId: 15Letter: נ, pathNo: 24, tarotId: 13Letter: מ, pathNo: 23, tarotId: 12Letter: ל, pathNo: 22, tarotId: 11Letter: כ, pathNo: 21, tarotId: 10Letter: י, pathNo: 20, tarotId: 9Letter: ז, pathNo: 17, tarotId: 6Letter: ח, pathNo: 18, tarotId: 7Letter: ה, pathNo: 15, tarotId: 4Letter: ו, pathNo: 16, tarotId: 5Letter: ג, pathNo: 13, tarotId: 2Letter: ב, pathNo: 12, tarotId: 1Letter: א, pathNo: 11, tarotId: 0Letter: פ, pathNo: 27, tarotId: 16Letter: ד, pathNo: 14, tarotId: 3Letter: ט, pathNo: 19, tarotId: 8שקתרצסענמלכיזחהוגבאפדטKeter1CrownChochmah2WisdomBinah3UnderstandingChesed4MercyGevurah5StrengthTiferet6BeautyNetzach7VictoryHod8SplendorYesod9FoundationMalchut10Kingdom

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Hebrew Font: NotoSansHebrew-Regular.ttf

  1. Keter
  2. Chochmah
  3. Binah
  4. Chesed
  5. Gevurah
  6. Tiferet
  7. Netzach
  8. Hod
  9. Yesod
  10. Malchut
  11. Da'at
Credit: Glyph inspired by Tree of life bahir Hebrew.svg from Wikimedia Commons.