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16 Tetragrams

Caput Draconis
(dragon's head)
Cauda Draconis
(dragon's tail)
Fortuna Major
(greater fortune)
Fortuna Minor
(lesser fortune)

Spirits and Rulers

PlanetIntelligenceSpirit / Ruler

Geomanic Houses

1st House: Personality of the Querent, his life, health, habits, behavior and other personal characteristics.

2nd House: Money, property, finances, possible theft through negligence or loss.

3rd House: Communication, relatives by blood, letters, news, short journeys, writing, other pursuits associated with Mercury.

4th House: Home, inheritance, possessions, hidden treasure, environment, retirement, the conclusion of any matter. Information about theft or thieves.

5th House: Women, luxury, drinking, procreation, creation, artistic work. Gambling and speculation.

6th House: Employees, sickness, which body parts are most likely to suffer illness or injury. Domestic animals and close relatives other than immediate family.

7th House: Love, marriage, prostitution, partnerships. Public enemies, lawsuits, war opponents, thieves and dishonor.

8th House: Death, Wills, legacies. Poverty.

9th House: Long journeys, relationships with foreigners, science, the church, art, religion dreams and divinations.

10th House: Fame, reputation, honor, mother, trade authority.

11th House: Friends, social contacts, altruistic organizations.

12th House: Sorrow, hospitals, intrigue, prisons, restrictions, unseen dangers, fears.

Meanings in the Houses

Generally good for profit and gain.
  1. Happy, success in all things.
  2. Very prosperous.
  3. Favor and riches.
  4. Good fortune and success.
  5. Good success.
  6. Good - especially if it agrees with the 5th.
  7. Reasonably good.
  8. Rather good, but not very. The sick shall die.
  9. Good in all demands.
  10. Good in suits.
  11. Good in all.
  12. Unfavourable, pain and loss.
Good for loss of substance and sometimes for love; but very bad for gain.
  1. Ill in all things but for prisoners.
  2. Very Ill for money, but good for love.
  3. Ill end-except for quarrels.
  4. Ill in all.
  5. Unfavourable except for agriculture.
  6. Rather unfavourable for love.
  7. Very good for love, otherwise unfavourable.
  8. Excellent in all questions.
  9. Unfavourable in all things.
  10. Unfavourable except for favor with women.
  11. Good for love, otherwise bad.
  12. Unfavourable in all things.
Good for profit and for entering into a place or undertaking.
  1. Good for marriage. Mercurial. Peace.
  2. Good in all.
  3. Very good.
  4. Very good except in War.
  5. Good.
  6. Good in all things.
  7. Good except in all things.
  8. Good.
  9. A messenger brings a letter.
  10. Excellent in all.
  11. Very good.
  12. Marvelously good.
Unfavourable in all that is good and Good in all that is Unfavourable.
  1. Destroy the figure if it falls here! It makes the judgment worthless.
  2. Unfavourable in all demands.
  3. Unfavourable except to let blood.
  4. Unfavourable except in War and Fire.
  5. Unfavourable save for love, and sowing seed.
  6. Unfavourable except for bloodletting.
  7. Unfavourable except for war and fire.
  8. Unfavourable.
  9. Very Unfavourable.
  10. Dissolute. Love, fire.
  11. Unfavourable, except to let blood.
  12. Unfavourable in all things.
Good in all demands, especially in those relating to women.
  1. Good except in war.
  2. Very good.
  3. Good.
  4. Indifferent.
  5. Very good, but notice the aspects.
  6. Good, but especially for debauchery.
  7. Good except for war.
  8. Good.
  9. Good for music. Otherwise only medium.
  10. Good for peace.
  11. Good, and love ofladies.
  12. Good in all.
Unfavourable in most demands, except in those relating to War or Love.
  1. Indifferent. Best in War.
  2. Good, but with trouble
  3. Good fortune.
  4. Unfavourable, except in war and love.
  5. Medium good.
  6. Medium.
  7. Unfavourable, save in War.
  8. Unfavourable, save for love.
  9. Unfavourable except for War.
  10. Rather unfavourable. But good for love and War. Most other things medium.
  11. Medium; good favor.
  12. Very good in all.
Good for joy, present or to come.
  1. Good, except in war.
  2. Sickly.
  3. Ill.
  4. Mainly good.
  5. Excellently good.
  6. Unfavourable generally.
  7. Indifferent.
  8. Unfavourable generally.
  9. Very good.
  10. Good, rather in war than in peace.
  11. Good in all.
  12. Unfavourable generally.
Unfavourable in almost all things.
  1. Medium, but good for treasure and fortifying.
  2. Medium, but good to fortify.
  3. Unfavourable in all.
  4. Unfavourable in all.
  5. Very Unfavourable.
  6. Unfavourable, except for debauchery.
  7. Unfavourable for inheritance and magic only.
  8. Unfavourable, but in secrecy good.
  9. Unfavourable except for magic.
  10. Unfavourable except for fortifications.
  11. Unfavourable in all.
  12. Unfavourable. But good for magic and treasure.
Caput Draconis
Good with good; evil with evil. Gives good issue for gain.
  1. Good in all things.
  2. Good.
  3. Very good.
  4. Good save in war.
  5. Very good.
  6. Good for immorality only.
  7. Good especially for peace.
  8. Good.
  9. Very good.
  10. Good in all.
  11. Good for the church and ecclesiastical gain.
  12. Not very good.
Cauda Draconis
Good with evil, and evil with good. Good for loss, and for passing out of an affair.
  1. Destroy figure if it falls here! Makes judgment worthless.
  2. Very unfavourable.
  3. Unfavourable in all.
  4. Good especially for conclusion of the matter.
  5. Very unfavourable.
  6. Rather good.
  7. Unfavourable, war, and fire.
  8. No good, except for magic.
  9. Good for science only. Bad for journeys. Robbery.
  10. Unfavourable save in works of fire.
  11. Unfavourable save for favors.
  12. Rather good.
Sometimes good and sometimes bad; good with good, and evil with evil.
  1. Good in marriages.
  2. Medium good.
  3. Rather good than bad.
  4. Good in all but love.
  5. Good in most things.
  6. Good.
  7. In war good; else medium.
  8. Unfavourable.
  9. Look for letters.
  10. Good.
  11. Good in all.
  12. Very unfavourable.
Injurious to the goodness of other figures generally, but good for journeys and voyages.
  1. Unfavourable except for prison.
  2. Indifferent.
  3. Very good in all.
  4. Good in all save love.
  5. Voyages good.
  6. Unfavourable.
  7. Rather good, especially for voyages.
  8. Unfavourable.
  9. Indifferent. good for journeys.
  10. Good.
  11. Very good.
  12. Excellent.
Good with good, or evil with evil. Recovery from things lost.
  1. Good with good, evil with evil.
  2. Commonly good.
  3. Good fortune.
  4. Good save for health; see the eighth.
  5. Medium.
  6. Good for immorality only.
  7. Rather good.
  8. Unfavourable, death.
  9. Medium good.
  10. For love, good. For sickness, unfavourable.
  11. Good in all.
  12. Medium. Bad for prisoners
Generally unfavourable. Delay, binding, bar, restriction.
  1. Unfavourable except to fortify a place.
  2. Good in Saturnine questions; else unfavourable.
  3. Unfavourable.
  4. Good only for melancholy.
  5. Receive a letter within three days. Unfavourable.
  6. Very unfavourable.
  7. Unfavourable.
  8. Very unfavourable.
  9. Unfavourable in all.
  10. Unfavourable save in hldden treasure.
  11. Much anxiety.
  12. Rather good.
Fortuna Major
Good for gain in all things where a person has hopes to win.
  1. Good save in secrecy.
  2. Good except in sad things.
  3. Good in all.
  4. Good in all, but melancholy.
  5. Very good in all things.
  6. Very good except for debauchery.
  7. Good in all.
  8. Moderately good.
  9. Very good.
  10. Exceedingly good. Go to superiors.
  11. Very good.
  12. Good in all.
Fortuna Minor
Good in any manner in which a person wishes to proceed quickly.
  1. Speed in victory and in love, but choleric.
  2. Very good.
  3. Good - but wrathful.
  4. Haste; rather unfavourable except for peace.
  5. Good in all things.
  6. Medium in all.
  7. Unfavourable except for war or love.
  8. Unfavourable generally.
  9. Good, but choleric.
  10. Good, except for peace.
  11. Good, especially for love.
  12. Good, except for alternation, or for serving another.