To Be Spoken Every Day Three Times Successively1
O Almighty, Æternal, The True & Living God: O King of Glory, O Lord of Hosts, O Thou, the Creator of Heaven & Earth, & of all things visible & invisible: Now, (even now, at length,) among other Thy manifold mercies used, & to be used toward me, Thy simple servant, ____________, I most humbly beseech Thee, in this my present petition to have mercy upon me, to have pity upon me, to have compassion upon me. I, faithfully & sincerely, of long time, have sought among men, in Earth, & also by prayer (full oft & pitifully) have made suit unto Thy Divine Majesty for the obtaining of some convenient portion of True Knowledge & Understanding of Thy laws & ordinances, established in the natures & properties of Thy Creatures: By which Knowledge, Thy Divine Wisdom, Power & Goodness (on Thy Creatures bestowed & to them imparted), being to me made & allure me, (for the same) incessantly to pronounce Thy praises, to render unto Thee, most hearty thanks, to advance Thy true honour, & to win unto Thy Name, some of Thy due Majestic Glory, among all people, & forever. And, whereas, it hath pleased Thee (O God) of Thy infinite Goodness, by Thy faithful & holy Spiritual Messengers, to deliver unto me, long since (through the eye and ear of E. K.) an orderly form, & manner of exercise Heptarchical: How, (to Thy Honour & Glory, & the Comfort of my own poor soul, & of others, Thy faithful servants,) I may, at all times, use very many of Thy good Angels, their counsels & helps; according to the properties of such their functions, & offices, as to them, by Thy Divine Power, Wisdom & Goodness, is assigned, & limited: (Which orderly form, & manner of exercise, until even now, I never found opportunity & extreme necessity, to apply myself unto,) Therefore, I thy poor, & simple servant, do most humbly, heartily, & faithfully beseech Thy Divine Majesty, most lovingly & fatherly to favour: and by Thy Divine Beck to further this my present industry & endeavour to exercise myself, according to the foresaid orderly forme & manner: and, now, (at length, but not too late) for Thy dearly deloved Son JESUS CHRIST His Sake, (O Heavenly Father) to grant also unto me, this blessing & portion of Thy heavenly Graces: That Thou wilt fortwith, enable me, make me apt & acceptable, (in body, soul & spirit) to enjoy always the holy & friendly conversation, with the sensible, plain, full, & perfect help, in word & deed, of Thy Mighty, Wise & Good Spiritual Messengers & Ministers generally: &, namely, of Blessed Michael, Blessed Gabriel, Blessed Raphael, & Blessed Uriel; & also especially, of all those, which do appertain unto the Heptarchical Mystery, theurgically, (as yet) & very briefly unto me declared: under the method of Seven Mighty Kings, & their Seven Faithful & Princely Ministers, with their subjects & servants, to them belonging. And in this Thy great Mercy & Grace, on me bestowed, & to me confirmed, (O Almighty God,) Thou shalt, (to the great comfort of Thy faithful servants,) approve, to Thy very enemies, & mine, the truth & certainty of Thy manifold, most merciful promises, heretofore, made unto me: and that Thou art the True & Almighty God, Creator of Heaven & Earth, (upon whom I do call & in whom I put all my trust,) & Thy Ministers, to be the true, & faithful Angels of light: which have, hitherto, principally, & according to Thy Divine providence dealth with us: And, also, I, thy poor & simple servant, shall then, In & By Thee, be better able to serve Thee, according to Thy well pleasing: to Thy Honour & Glory: Yea, even in these most miserable, & lamentable days. Grant, Oh grant, O our Heavenly Father, grant this, (I pray Thee,) for Thy only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST, His sake: Amen, Amen, Amen.
1The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee, Geoffrey James, p. 53-55.