Opening of the Hall of the Neophytes

Officers- On the dais:Imperator, Cancellarius, Past Hierophant, Praemonstrator.
Hierophant (red cloak, lamen, sceptre).
- In the hall:
- Hiereus (black cloak, lamen, sword)
- Hegemon (white cloak, lamen, sceptre)
- Keryx (lamen, lamp, and wand).
- Stolistes (lamen, cup of lustral water).
- Dadouchos (lamen, thurible).
- Sentinel (lamen, sword)
Required- For the
altar: red cross and white triangle, red rose, red lamp,
cup of wine, paten of bread and salt.
- For the
candidate: black robe and red shoes, hoodwink, rope,
Neophyte sash.
- For the
temple: chemical change1.
- John Michael Greer: Two glasses half full of water, one containing
sodium salicylate, the other ferric ammonium sulfate. Both solutions
are transparent, but when poured together, a chemical reaction turns
the water blood red.
✊ - This sign represents one knock made by rapping the base or shaft
of wand or the pommel of a sword on the table.
11Waits until all members assembled and robed, then ✊
14Do not rise except for adorations to the east or when asked for the
Stand when Hierophant says "Let us adore the Lord of the universe and
space" and face east until end of adoration.
Do not circumambulate with
officers, but when moving for other purposes, do so in the direction of the sun and
make the Neophyte signs on passing the Throne of the East whether the Hierophant is
there or not.
The sign is always made in direction of movement except:
1) When entering or leaving the hall: made towards the east.
2) When asked to give the signs: towards the altar.
16On hearing the ✊, goes to the northeast, to the Hierophant's right, facing west,
and raises lamp and wand
17Hekas! Hekas! Este bebeloi!
"Begone! Begone! Ye profane ones!" in Greek. Traditionally announced
that the ancient Greek Mysteries were about to be celebrated.
18Returns to his/her place
20Fratres and sorores of the
Temple of the
Order of the Stella Matutina, assist
me to open the hall of the Neophytes. Frater Keryx, see that the hall is
properly guarded.
23Very honoured Hierophant, the hall is properly guarded.
24Salutes the Hierophant's throne and remains by the door
25Honoured Hiereus, guard the hither side of the portal and assure yourself that
all present have witnessed the
Stella Matutina.
26Goes to the door and stands before it with sword erect
27Stands to the right of Hiereus with with lamp and wand
28Fratres and Sorores of the Order of the Stella Matutina, give the signs of a Neophyte.
30Give the signs towards Hierophant
31Very honoured Hierophant, all present have been so honoured.
32return to their places.
33Give Sign of the Enterer towards the west, but not the Sign of Silence.
34Let the number of officers in this degree and the nature of their offices be
proclaimed once again, that the powers whose images they are may be reawakened in
the spheres of those present and in the sphere of this order, for by names and
images are all powers awakened and reawakened.
35Make the Sign of Silence
36Honoured Hiereus, how many chief officers are there in this grade?
37There are three chief officers: the Hierophant, the Hiereus, and the Hegemon
38Is there any pecularity in these names?
39They all commence with the letter "H".
40Of what is this letter a symbol?
41Of life, because the letter "H" is our mode of representing the ancient Greek
aspirate or breathing, and breath is the evidence of life.
42How many lesser officers are there?
43There are three beside the Sentinal: the Kerux, the Stolistes, and the
Dadouchos. The Sentinel is without the portal of the hall and has a sword in
his hand to keep out intruders. It is his duty to prepare the candidate.
44Frater Dadouchos, your station and duties?
45My station is in the south to symbolise heat and dryness, and my duty is to see
that the lamps and fires of the temple are ready at the opening, to watch over
the censer and the incense and to consecrate the hall and the fratres and
sorores and the candidate with fire.
46Frater Stolistes, your station and duties?
47My station is in the north to symbolise cold and moisture, and my duties are to
see that robes and collars and insignia of the officers are ready at the
opening, to watch over the cup of lustral water, and to purify the hall and the
fratres and sorores and the candidate with water.
48Frater Kerux, your station and duties?
49My place is within the portal. My duties are to see that the furniture of the
hall is properly arranged at the opening, to guard the inner side of the portal,
to admit the fratres and sorores, and to watch over the reception of the
candidate; to lead all mystic circumambulations carrying the lamp of my office,
and to make all reports and announcements. My lamp is the symbol of the hidden
knowledge, and my wand is the symbol of its directing power.
50Honoured Hegemon, your station and duties?
51My station is between the two pillars of Hermes and Solomon and my face is
towards the cubical Altar of the Universe. My duty is to watch over the gateway
of the hidden knowledge, for I am the reconciler between light and darkness. I
watch over the preparation of the candidate and assist in his reception, and I
lead him in the path that conducts from darkness to light. The white colour of
my robe is the colour of purity, my ensign of office is a mitre-headed sceptre
to symbolise religion which guides and regulates life, and my office symbolises
those higher aspirations of the soul which should guide its action.
52Honoured Hiereus, your station and duties?
54My station is on the Throne of the West and is a symbol of increase of Darkness
and decrease of Light and I am the Master of Darkness. I keep the Gateway of
the West and watch over the reception of the Candidate and over the lesser
Officers in the doing of their work. My black Robe is an image of the Darkness
that was upon the face of the Waters. I carry the Sword of Judgement and the
Banner of the Evening Twilight, which is the Banner of the West, and I am called
Fortitude by the Unhappy.
55Stand holding the sceptre and Banner of the East
56My Station is on the Throne of the East, in the place where the Sun rises,
and I am the Master of the Hall, governing it according to the laws of
the Order, as He whose image I am, is the Master of all who work for
the Hidden Knowledge. My Robe is red because of Uncreated Fire and
Created Fire, and I hold the Banner of the Morning Light which is the
Banner of the East. I am called Power and Mercy and Light and Abundance,
and I am the expounder of the Mysteries.
58Frater Stolistes and Frater Dadouchos, I command you to purify and consecrate
the Hall with Water and Fire.
59Perform your respective tasks below simultaneously.
60Goes to the east, faces Hierophant, and making a cross in the air with his cup,
sprinkles a few drops of water three times towards the east. Passes to the
south, west and north, repeating the purification in each quarter, then returns
to the east to complete the circle.
63Follows Stolistes when he goes to the east, and when Stolistes has gone to
the south, Dadouchos
faces east, raises his censer, and swings thrice towards the east. Then goes
south, west and north, repeating the cesnsing at each quarter, and returns to
the east to complete the circle.
65I consecrate with fire.
67Let the Mystic Circumambulation take place in the Pathway of Light.
68Stands holding the sceptre in his right hand, the Banner of the East in his
69Goes to the northeast with lamp and wand
71Follows with banner and sword
75Leads procession past Hierophant, making the signs of Horus and Harpocrates as
he passes.
76Follows, doing the same
77Falls out as soon as he reaches his throne
78Returns to his place after passing Hierophant twice
79Passes the Hierophant 3 times and then take their place as they come to them.
80The Mystical Circumambulation symbolical of the Rise of Light is
accomplished. Let us adore the Lord of the Universe and Space.
81Stand, face east and make the saluting of the enterer (Horus) sign
following the lead of Hierophant. The Sign of Silence is made at the
end of the prayer.
82Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe! (salute)
Holy art Thou, Whom nature hath not formed! (salute)
Holy art Thou, the vast and the mighty one! (salute)
Lord of the light and of the darkness! (Sign of Silence)
83Raise wands / sword in salute, and sink them.
84Face as usual but remain standing
85Frater Keryx, in the name of the Lord of the Universe, I command you to declare
that I have opened the hall of the Neophytes.
86Goes northeast, faces west, and raises wand
87In the name of the Lord of the Universe, who works in silence and whom naught
but silence can express, I declare that the sun has arisen and the shadows flee
The ✊'s are given before the words are said.
102Make signs towards the altar and sit down
103Removes the rose, cup, paten of bread and salt, and the lamp from the altar,
leaving the cross and triangle only. He sees that a hassock is in readiness at
the west for the candidate to kneel on.
Initiation of the
105Fratres and sorores of the
Temple of the
Order of the Stella Matutina,
I have received a Dispensation from the Greatly Honoured Chiefs of the
Second Order, to admit
(Candidate's Name)
to the
degree of Neophyte.
Honoured Hegemon, bid the Candidate prepare for the Ceremony of his
admission, and superintend his preparation.
106Rises and removes his chair from between the Pillars and goes out.
107Follows carrying the Hoodwink and Rope
108Sees that the candidate is properly robed and hoodwinked and that the rope goes
three times around his waist. He then leads the candidate to the door and gives
one ✊
110The Candidate seeks for entrance.
111I give permission to admit
(Candidate's Name)
who now loses his name and
will henceforth be known among us as
(Candidate's Motto). Let the
Stolistes and the Dadouchos assist in the reception.
112Faces the entrances, ready to open the door
114Enters (to well within the hall)
115Stands before candidate in triangular formation.
116Stands behind candidate.
117Inheritor of a Dying world, arise and enter the Darkness.
118The Mother of Darkness hath blinded him with her hair.
119The Father of Darkness hath hidden him under his wings.
120His limbs are still weary from the wars which were in heaven.
121Unpurified and Unconsecrated, thou canst not enter our Sacred Hall.
122Comes forward and dipping his thumb in the lustral water, makes with it
a cross on the Candidate's brow and sprinkles him three times.
123I purify thee with Water.
124Comes forward and makes a cross over Candidate with his censer,
and waves it 3 times.
125I consecrate thee with Fire.
126Conduct the candidate to the foot of the altar. Inheritor of a
Dying World, why seekest thou to enter our Scared Hall? Why
seekest thou admission to our Order?
128My Soul wanders in Darkness and seeks the Light of the Hidden Knowledge,
and I believe that in this Order, Knowledge of that Light may be
129We hold your signed pledge to keep secret everything that relates to
this Order. I now ask you, are you willing to take a solemn
Obligation in the presence of this Assembly, to keep the secrets and
mysteries of our Order inviolate?
130Prompts candidate to say: "I am"
132There is nothing contrary to your civil, moral or religious duties
in this Obligation. Although the Magical virtues can indeed awaken
into momentary life in the wicked and foolish hearts, they cannot
reign in any heart that has not the natural virtues to be their
throne. He who is the Fountain of the Spirit of Man and of Things,
came not to break, but to fulfill the law. Are you ready to take
this Oath?
135Then you will kneel on both your knees.
136Comes to east of the altar with sceptre.
137Assists candidate to kneel and stands right of candidate.
139Complete the hexagram of officers.
Hexagram of officers
141Give me your right hand which I place upon this holy symbol.
Place your left hand in mine, bow your head, repeat your full
name by which you are known on Earth, and say after me:
(Candidate's Name), in the presence of the Lord of the Universe,
Who works in Silence and whom naught but Silence can express, and in
this hall of the Neophytes of the
Order of the Stella Matutina, regularly assembled
under Warrant from the Greatly Honoured Chiefs of the Second Order,
do, of my own free will, hereby and hereon, most solemnly promise to
keep secret this Order, its Name, the Names of its Members, and the
proceedings that take place at its meetings, from every person in the
world who has not been initiated into it; nor will I discuss them with
any Member who has not the Password for the time being, or who has resigned,
demitted, or been expelled.
144I undertake to maintain a kindly and benevolent relation with all
the Fratres and Sorores of this Order.
145I solemnly promise to keep secret any information I may have
gathered concerning this Order before taking this Oath.
146I solemnly promise that any ritual or lecture placed in my care or
any cover containing them shall bear the official label of this
147I will neither copy, nor allow to be copied, any manuscript, until
I have obtained permission of the Second Order, lest our Secret
Knowledge be revealed through my neglect.
148I solemnly promise not to suffer myself to be placed in such a
state of passivity, that any unitiated person or power may cause
me to lose control of my words or actions.
149I solemnly promise to persevere with courage and determination
in the labours of the Divine Science, even as I shall persevere
with courage and determination through this Ceremony which is
their Image - and I will not debase my mystical knowledge in the
labour of Evil Magic at any time tried or under any temptation.
150I swear upon this Holy Symbol to observe all these things without
evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation, under the penalty of
being expelled from this Order for my perjury and my offense.
Furthermore, if I break this, my Magical Obligation, I submit
myself, by my own consent, to a Stream of Power, set in motion by
the Divine Guardians of this Order, Who live in the Light of their
Perfect Justice, and before Whom my Soul now stands.
151Whisper close to Candidate.
152They journey as upon the winds—
They strike where no man strikes—
They slay where no man slays—
153At words "bow my neck" below, places the flat of his sword
on the nape of the candidate's neck.
154and, as I bow my neck under the Sword of the Hiereus, so do I commit
myself unto their hands for vengence or reward.
155So help me my Mighty and Secret soul, and the Father of my Soul
Who works in Silence and Whom naught but Silence can express.
156Rise, Neophyte, of the 0=0
grade of the
Order of the Stella Matutina.
158Removes hassock and returns to his throne
159Assists candidate to rise
161Honoured Hegemon, you will now place the Neophyte
in the Northern part of the Hall - the place of Forgetfulness, Dumbness,
and Necessity, and of the Greatest symbolical Darkness.
162Takes candidate to the North and faces him East
163Goes with lamp and wand to the northeast
164Stand ready to follow the procession
165The voice of my Undying and Secret Soul said unto me:
"Let me enter the Path of Darkness and, peradventure, there shall I
find the Light. I am the only Being in an Abyss of Darkness; from
an Abyss of Darkness came I forth ere my birth, from the Silence of a
Primal Sleep."
166And the Voice of the Ages answered to my Soul:
"I am He who formulates in Darkness —
the Light that shineth in Darkness, yet the Darkness comprehendeth it not."
167Let the Mystical Circumambulation take place in the Path of Knowledge that
leadeth unto Light, with the Lamp of Hidden Knowledge to guide us.
169Follows leading Candidate
172✊ just as candidate passes
173Pass on by the south, west
175Pass on by the north, east
177Stops in the south after second passing of Hierophant and bars
the way with his Wand.
178Unpurified and Unconsecrated, thou canst not enter the Path of the West!
179Comes forward and, dipping his thumb in water, makes a cross
on Candidate's brow and sprikles three times
180I purify thee with water.
181Comes forward, censes in the form of a cross, waves incense three times
182I concecrate thee with fire.
183Step back to their places in the procession
184Child of Earth, twice purified and twice consecrated, thou mayest
approach the Gateway of the West.
185Leads the procession to throne of Hiereus
186Raises the hoodwink for a moment
187Stands threatening with his Sword
188Thou canst not pass by me, saith the Guardian of the West,
unless thou canst tell me my Name.
189Darkness is thy Name, thou Great One of the Paths of the Shades.
190Thou hast known me now, so pass thou on.
Fear is failure so be thou without fear.
For he who trembles at the Flame and at the Flood and at the Shadows
of the Air, hath no part in God.
195Halts in the North and raises his Wand
196Unpurified and Unconsecrated, thou canst not enter the
Path of the East!
197Cross and sprinkling as before
198I purify thee with water.
199Cross and censing as before
200I consecrate thee with fire.
201Child of Earth, thrice purified and thrice consecrated,
thou mayest approach the Gateway of the East!
202Leads the procession forward to Hierophant
204Stands threatening with his Sceptre
205Raises the hoodwink for a moment
206Thou canst not pass by me, saith the Guardian of the
East, unless thou canst tell me my Name.
207Light dawning in Darkness is thy Name, the Light of a Golden Day!
208Unbalaced Power is the ebbing away of Life.
Unbalanced Mercy is weakness and the fading out of Will.
Unbalanced Severity is cruelty and the barrenness of Mind.
Thou hast known me now, so pass thou on to the Cubical Altar of
the Universe.
210Leads processing to the Altar
211Place candidate exactly west of the altar
212Stands to the right of the candidate
213Stands to the left of the candidate
214Form a supporting triangle behind Candidate.
215Holds Sceptre in his right hand and the Banner of the East
in his left, advances between the Pillars and comes to the
East of the Altar.
216I come in the Power of the Light.
I come in the Light of Wisdom.
I come in the Mercy of the Light.
The Light hath Healing in its Wings.
217Form a hexagram round the altar
218Holds his sword in his right hand,
the Banner of the West in his left
219Kneel down
220Assists candidate to kneel
221Stands, raising his hands, holding sceptre and
Banner for the Invocation as follows
222Lord of the Universe - the Vast and the Mighty One!
Ruler of the light and of the Darkness!
We adore Thee and we invoke Thee!
Look with favour on this Neophyte who now kneeleth before Thee,
and grant Thine aid unto the higher aspirations of his Soul,
so that he may prove a true and faithful Frater Neophyte among us.
To the glory of Thine Ineffable name. Amen!
224Assists candidate to rise, brings close to the altar
225Raise their wands and sword to touch
each other over the head of the candidate.
226Inheritor of a Dying World, we call thee to the Living Beauty.
227At the word "darkness" (below), removes the hoodwink.
228Wanderer in the Wild Darkness, we call thee to the Gentle Light.
229Removes the hoodwink (at the word "darkness", above)
230Long hast thou dwelt in Darkness —quit the Night and seek the Day.
We receive thee into the
Order of the Stella Matutina.
241Take down their Sceptres and Sword.
242Moves to North East of the Altar and raises his Lamp.
243Points to the lamp to direct Candidate's attention.
244In all thy wandering in Darkness, the Lamp of the
Keryx went before thee, though it was not seen by thine eyes. It
is a Symbol of the Light of the Hidden Knowledge.
245Return to their places.
246Returns to his throne.
247Remain West of the altar.
248Let the Neophyte be led to the East of the Altar.
249Places him to the East, near but not between the Pillars,
and he takes his place outside the White Pillar.
250Honoured Hiereus, give the Neophyte the secret signs,
token, and words, together with the present password of the
grade of the
Order of the Stella Matutina.
Place him between the Mystical Pillars and superintend his fourth
and final consecration.
251Passes by the North to the Black Pillar, comes round to the East.
252Advances to meet Hiereus and take from him his Sword and Banner.
253Gives Sword and Banner to Hegemon and steps between the
Pillars, facing the Candidate.
254Frater (Candidate's Motto), I shall now proceed to instruct you
in the secret Step, Signs, Grip and Words of this Grade.
255Firstly, advance your left foot a short space, as if entering a portal.
This is the Step.
256The Signs are two. The First or Saluting Sign is given
thus: Lean forward and stretch both arms out thus:
(make Neophyte do this). It alludes to your condition in a state of Darkness, groping for Light.
The second Sign is the Sign of Silence, and is given by placing the left
forefinger on your lip thus
(make Neophyte do this). It is the position shown in many ancient statues of Harpocrates,
and it alludes to the silence you have sworn to maintain concerning
everything connected with this Order. The first sign is always answered
by the second.
257The Grip or Token is given thus: advance your left foot touching mine,
toe and heel, extend your right hand to grasp mine, fail, try again,
and then succeed in touching the fingers only. It alludes to the
seeking guidance in darkness.
258The Grand Word is Har-Par-Krat, and it is whispered in this position
mouth to ear, in syllables.
(They exchange the word.)
It is the Egyptian Name for the God of Silence, and should always
remind you of the strict silence you have sworn to maintain.
259The Password is
(word). It is periodically changed each Equinox, so that a Member who has
resigned, demitted, or been expelled, may be in ignorance of the
existing Password.
260I now place you between the two Pillars of Hermes and of Solomon
in the symbolical Gateway of Occult Wisdom.
261Ready the Hiereus' sword to give back to him
262Leads Neophyte forward and then takes back the Sword and Banner.
He stands North East of the Black Pillar and says:
263Let the final consecration take place.
264Come forward and purify and consecratethe hall as in the opening
265On returning East, turns round to Neophyte,makes a cross of water on his brow, and sprinkles three times
266I purify thee with water.
267Turns round from the east, makes a cross and censes 3 times
268I consecrate thee with fire.
269Return to their places
270Honoured Hegemon, I command you to remove the Rope,
last remaining symbol of the Path of Darkness, and to invest our
Frater with the Badge of this Degree.
271Ready to receive Hegemon's sceptre and ritual
272Comes forward and hands his sceptre and ritual to
Hiereus. Removes the rope and puts on the sash over the left
273By command of the Very Honoured Hierophant, I invest
you with the Badge of this degree. It symbolises Light dawning in
274Returns Sceptre, etc, to Hegemon
275Takes Sceptre, etc, and returns to White Pillar
276Let the Mystical Circumambulation take place in the Pathway of Light.
277Goes to the North East
278Takes Candidate behind the Black Pillar, and stands behind Keryx
280Stands holding Sceptre and Banner as in the opening
282Salute on passing Hierophant
283Drops out on reaching his throne
284Returns to between the Pillars after passing Hierophant
twice. Directs Neophyte to follow Keryx
Remaining officers pass the Hierophant thrice.
286Waits for third passing
287Take your place North West of the Stolistes.
288Indicates this and goes on
289Follows and falls out in the north and returns to his place
290Replaces his chair between the Pillars and sits down
291Replaces the Rose, Lamp, Cup and Paten in their proper places on the altar.
294The Threefold Cord bound about your waist was an image of the
threefold bondage of Mortality, which amongst the Initiated is
called earthly or material inclination, that has bound into a
narrow place the once far-wondering Soul; and the Hoodwink was an
image of the Darkness, of Ignorance, of Morality that has blinded
men to the Happiness and Beauty their eyes once looked upon.
295The Double Cubical Altar in the centre of the Hall is an emblem of
visible Nature or the Material Universe, concealing within herself
the mysteries of all dimensions, while revealing her surface to the
exterior senses. It is a double cube because, as the Emerald
Tablet has said, "The thigs that are below are a reflection of the
things that are above." The world of men and women created to
unhappiness is a reflection of the World of Divine Being created to
Happiness. It is described in the
Sepher Yetzirah, or the
Book of Formation, as "an Abyss of Height" and as "an Abyss of Depth",
"an Abyss of the East" and "an Abyss of the West",
"an Abyss of the North" and "an Abyss of the South". The altar is
Black because, unlike Divine Beings who unfold in the Element of Light,
the Fires of Created Beings arise from Darkness and Obscurity.
296On the Altar is a White Triangle to be the Image of that Immortal
Light, that Triune Light, which moved in Darkness and formed the
world of Darkness and out of Darkness. There are two contending
Forces and One always uniting them; and these Three have their
Image in the threefold Flame of our Being and in the threefold wave
of the sensual world.
297Stands in the form of a cross.
298Glory be to Thee, Father of the undying.
For Thy glory flows out rejoicing to the ends of the earth!
300The Red Cross above the White Triangle is an Image of Him Who was
unfolded in the Light. At its East, South, West and North angles
are a Rose, Fire, Cup of Wine, and Bread and Salt. These allude to
the Four Elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth.
301The Mystical Words —
Khabs Am Pekht
— are ancient Egyptian, and are the origin of the Greek "Konx Om Pax"
which was uttered at the Eleusinian Mysteries. A literal translation
would be "Light Rushing Out In One Ray", and they signify the same
form of Light as that symbolized by the Staff of the Keryx.
302East of the Double Cubical Altar of created things are the Pillars
of Hermes and of Solomon. On these are painted certain Hieroglyphics
from the 17th and the 125th chapters of the Book of the Dead. They
are the symbols of the two powers of Day and Night, Love and Hate,
Work and Rest, the subtle force of the Lodestone and the Eternal
outpouring and inpouring of the Heart of God.
303The Lamps that burn, though with a veiled light, upon their summits
show that the Pathway to Hidden Knowledge, unlike the Pathway of
Nature — which is a continual undulation, the winding hither and
tither of the Serpent — is the straight and narrow way between them.
304It was because of this that I passed between them, when you came
to the Light, and it was because of this that you were placed between
them to receive the final consecration.
305Two contending Forces and one which unites them externally.
Two basal angles of the triangle and one which forms the apex.
Such is the origin of Creation — it is the Triad of Life.
306My throne at the Gate of the East is the Place of the Guardian of
the Dawning Sun.
307The Throne of the Hiereus at the Gate of the West is the Place of
the Guardian Against the Multitudes that sleep through the Light and
awaken at the Twilight.
308The Throne of the Hegemon seated between the Columns is the Place of
Balanced Power, between the ultimate Light and the ultimate Darkness.
These meanings are shown in detail and by the colour of our Tabards.
309The Wand of the Keryx is the Beam of Light from the Hidden Wisdom,
and his Lamp is an emblem of the Ever-burning Lamp of the Guardian
of the Mysteries.
310The Seat of the Stolistes at the Gate of the North is the Place
of the Guardian of the Couldron and the Well of Water - of Cold
and Moisture. The Seat of the Dadouchos at the Gate of the South is
the Place of the Guardian of the Lake of Fire and the Burning Bush.
311Frater Keryx, I command you to declare that the Neophyte has been
initiated into the Mysteries of the
312Advances to the North East, faces West and raises his Wand.
313In the Name of the Lord of the Universe, Who works in
Silence and Whom naught but Silence can express, and by command of
the Very Honoured Hierophant, hear ye all, that I proclaim that
(Candidate's Name), who will henceforth be known to you by the Motto
(Candidate's Motto), has been duly admitted to the
Grade as a
Neophyte of the
Order of the Stella Matutina.
315Honoured Hiereus, I delegate to you the duty of
pronouncing a short address to our Frater on his admission.
316Frater (Candidate's Motto), it is my duty to deliver this
exhortation to you.
Remember your Obligation in this Order to secrecy — for
Strength is in Silence, and the Seed of Wisdom is sown in Silence
and grows in Darkness and Mystery.
317Remember that you hold all Religions in reverence, for there is
none but contain a Ray from the Ineffable Light that you are
seeking. Remember the penalty that awaits the breaker of his
Oath. Remember the Mystery that you have received, and that the
Secret of Wisdom can be discerned only from the place of Balanced
318Study well the Great Arcanum of the proper equilibrium of Severity
and Mercy, for either unbalanced is not good. Unbalanced Severity
is cruelty and opression; unbalanced Mercy is but weakness and
would permit Evil to exist unchecked, thus making itself, as it
were, the accomplice of Evil.
319Remember that things Divine are not attained by mortals who understand
the Body alone, for only those who are lightly armed can attain the summit.
320Remember that God alone is our Light and the Bestower of Perfect
Wisdom, and that no mortal power can do more than bring you to the
Pathway of that Wisdom, which He could, if it so pleased Him, put into
the heart of a child. For as the whole is greater than the part, so
are we but Sparks from the unsupportable Light which is in Him.
321The ends of the Earth are swept by the Borders of His Garment of
Flame — from Him all things proceed, and unto Him all things return.
322Therefore, we invoke Him. Therefore even the Banner of the East falls
in adoration before Him.
323Before you can ask to pass to a higher Grade, you will have to commit
certain rudiments of Occult Knowledge to memory. A manuscript lecture
in these subjects will be supplied to you by the Chief in whose charge
they are. When you can pass an examination in this elementary
Qabalistic knowledge, you will inform the Member in whose charge you are,
and arrangements will be made for you to sit for examination. If you
are found perfect you will then apply for admission to the next
Degree. Remember, that without a Dispensation from the Second Order, no
person can be admitted or advance to a Grade of the First Order.
324Conducts Neophyte to his table and gives him one of the small dishes
of solution to hold
325Nature is harmonious in all her workings, and that which is above is
as that which is below. Thus also, the Truths which by material
Science we investigate, are but special examples of the all-pervading
Laws of the Universe. So, within this pure and limpid fluid, lie hidden
and unperceived of mortal eyes, the elements bearing the semblance of
blood, even as within the mind and brain of the initiate lie concealed
the Divine Secrets of the Hidden Knowledge. Yet if the Oath be
forgotten, and the solemn pledge broken, then that which is secret
shall be revealed, even as this pure fluid reveals the semblance of
326Adds fluid from the other dish
327Let this remind thee ever, O Neophyte, how easily by a careless or
unthinking word, thou mayst betray that which thou hast sworn to
keep secret and mayst reveal the Hidden Knowledge imparted to thee,
and planted in thy brain and in thy mind. And let the hue of blood
remind thee that if thou shalt fail in this thy Oath of Secrecy, thy
blood may be poured out and thy body broken; for heavy is the
penalty exacted by the Guardians of the Hidden Knowledge from those
who will wilfully betray their trust.
The register is signed.
330Resume your seat, and remember that your admission
to this Order does not give you the right to initiate any other person
without a dispensation from the greatly honoured chiefs of the
Second Order.
331Directs Neophyte to his seat
335Goes to the North East, faces West, raises Lamp and Wand.
336Hekas! Hekas! Esti bebeloi.
338Fratres and sorores of the
Temple of the
Order of the Stella Matutina,
assist me to close the hall of the Neophytes.
340Directs Neophyte to rise
346Frater Keryx, see that the Hall is properly guarded.
347The Hall is properly guarded, Very Honoured Hierophant.
348Honoured Hiereus, assure yourself that all present have beheld the
Stella Matutina.
349Fratres and Sorores, give the signs.
351Very Honoured Hierophant, all present have been so honoured.
352Let the Hall be purified by Water and by Fire.
353Purifies as in the opening.
355Consecrates as in the opening.
356I consecrate with fire.
357Let the Mystical Reverse Circumambulation take place
in the Pathway of Light.
358Goes by the South to the South East.
359Goes to the North and leads the new Neophyte by the
West and South, directing him to follow behind.
362Accompanies or follows Stolistes.
364Stands and holds the Banner of the East in his left
hand, Sceptre in his right.
365Make the Neophyte signs when passing the Hierophant.
366Drops out when his throne is reached.
367Passes Hierophant twice and then takes his place
between the pillars, directing Neophyte to follow Keryx.
368After the third passing of the Hierophant, directs
Neophyte to his seat.
369Drop out as their places reached.
370The Mystical Circumambulation is accomplished. It is
the symbol of Fading Light. Let us adore the Lord of the Universe.
372Directs Neophyte to rise and face East.
373Faces East, making salute at each adoration.
374Repeat after Hierophant.
375Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe! (salute)
Holy art Thou, Whom nature hath not formed! (salute)
Holy art Thou, the vast and the mighty one! (salute)
Lord of the light and the darkness! (Sign of Silence)
376Nothing now remains but to partake together in silence, of the Mystic
Repast, composed of the symbols of the Four Elements, and to remember
our pledge of secrecy.
378Puts down his sceptre and returns the Banner of the
East to its place. He goes to the west of the Altar and facing East
gives the Saluting Sign but not the Sign of Silence, and takes up the
379I invite you to inhale with me the perfume of this
Rose, as a symbol of Air.
381To feel with me the warmth of this sacred Fire.
382Spreads his hands over it.
383To eat with me this bread and salt as types of Earth.
384Dips bread in salt and eats.
385And finally to drink with me this Wine, the
consecrated emblem of Elemental Water.
386Makes a Cross with the cup and drinks.
387Puts down the Cup between Cross and Triangle.
Comes East of the Altar and faces West.
388Comes to the west of the altar and makes the saluting sign.
389Replies with Sign of Silence.
390Gives Praemonstrator the Rose
391Smells and returns Rose
392Feels the warmth of the Lamp
393Eats the Bread and Salt
394Gives Praemonstrator the Cup
395Takes Cup and makes a Cross, drinks and returns it
396Passes by West and South to his throne
397Comes to the East of the Altar
398Comes to the West, exchanges Signs and partakes.
Returns to his place after serving Cancellarius
399Repeat and serve Past Hierophant
400Repeat and serve Hiereus
401Repeat and serve Hegemon
402Repeat and serve Stolistes
403Repeat and serve Dadouchos
404Repeat and serve remaining Inner Order members in
order of seniority
Remaining Inner Order members in order of seniority partake but
without waiting for instruction. If there is a pause, one comes
406(Or other appointed officer) Ready to pilot Neophytes in next step.
Repeated by members of the Outer Order in the same manner.
Philosophi, Practici, Theorici, Zelatores, Neophytes.
408Directs Neophyte to return to his place as soonas Keryx takes the Cup (in next step)
409Waits for last Neophyte to stand East of the Altar,comes to the West, exchanges the Signs and partakes.
410Receives Cup, drains it and inverts it.
412Replaces his Cup and returns to his place.
426Make Signs towards the Altar.
427May what we have partaken maintain us in our search for the
Quintessence, the Stone of the Philosophers, True Wisdom,
Perfect Happinesss, the Summum Bonum.Ⓘ
Latin, "sum of good".
428Leads out the Neophyte
429Remain in the temple